The Human Dynamics Laboratory is directed by Prof. Alex Pentland, and was originally named `Vision and Modeling'.
Founded by Alex Pentland and Ted Adelson, faculty members have also included Aaron Bobick, Bernt Girod, and Rosalind Picard.
680 |
Modeling Co-Evolution of Behavior and Social
Relationships Using Mobile Phone Data Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
2011, Bejing China Wen Dong, Bruno Lepri, and
Alex ` |
679 |
Modeling Infection with Multi-Agent Dynamics International Conference on
Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction 2012 Best Paper Award Wen Dong, Katherine Heller, and
Alex ` |
678 |
Modeling Conversational Dynamics and Performance in a
Social Dilemma Task 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control,
and Signal Processing Wen Dong, Bruno
Lepri, Taemie Kim, Fabio Pianesi, and Alex
` |
677 |
Social fMRI,
investigating and shaping social mechanism in the real world Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, 2011, pp. 643-659 Nadav Aharony, Wei Pan, Cory Ip, Inas Khayal and Alex
Pentland |
676 |
How Many Makes a Crowd? On the Correlation between Groups' Size and
the Accuracy of Modeling Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction Y. Altshuler, M. Fire, N. Aharony, Y. Elovici and A. Pentland |
675 |
Trends Prediction Using Social Diffusion Models Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction Y. Altshuler, W. Pan and A. Pentland |
674 |
Modeling the
Co-evolution of Behaviors and Social Relationships Using Mobile Phone Data Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. Wen Dong, Bruno Lepri, and Alex ( |
673 |
Automatic Prediction
of Small Group Performance in Information Sharing Tasks Collective Intelligence 2012 Wen Dong, Bruno Lepri1, Alex ( |
672 |
Information Flow in Networks :
Trendsetters, Bellwethers and Shepherd Dogs Workshop on Decisions in Networks (WIDS), 2011 |
671 |
Augmented Betweenness Centrality for Mobility Prediction in
Transportation Networks Finding Patterns of Human Behaviors in Network and Mobility Data (NEMO), 2011 Y. Altshuler, R. Puzis, Y. Elovici, S. Bekhor and A.
Pentland, |
670 |
Using social
sensing to understand the links between sleep, mood and sociability Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. on Social Computing (SocialCom 2011),
S. Moturu, I. Khayal, |
669 |
Stealing Reality: When Criminals Become
Data Scientists (or Vice Versa) IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2011 Y. Altshuler, N. Aharony, Y. Elovici, A. Pentland and M.
Cebrian |
668 |
Modeling Infection
with Multi-agent Dynamics Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction Wen Dong, Katherine Heller, and Alex` |
667 |
Fortune monitor or
fortune teller: understanding the connection between interaction patterns and
financial status Proc. of Intl. Conf. Social Computing (SocialCom 2011), W. Pan, |
666 |
The Impacts of
Just-In-Time Social Networks on People's Choices in the Real World. The Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing. October 9-11, 2011 Kwan Hong Lee, Andrew Lippman, Alex Sandy Pentland, Elenna R. Dugundji. |
665 |
The Need for
Champions for Approximate Social Search, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Social
Computing, Y.-A. de Montjoye, J. Haria, M. Cebrian, and A. Pentland, |
664 |
Society's Nervous System: Building Effective Government, Energy, and Public Health Systems (April 2011) To appear: IEEE Computer - annual OUTLOOK issue, 2012 |
663 |
Sensing the ` To Appear: Pervasive |
662 |
Composite Social
Network for Predicting To Appear: AAAI 2011 W. Pan, N. Aharony, Alex ` |
661 |
Modeling Dynamical Influence in Human Interaction (Feb 2011) W. Pan, W.Dong, M. Cebrian, T. Kim,A.Pentland |
660 |
Time Critical Social Mobilization: The DARPA Network
Challenge Winning Strategy (January 2011) |
659 |
Existence and Stability of Exclusive Bipartite
Exchanges in Networks (January 2011) |
658 |
Generalized Stable Matching in Bipartite Networks
(January 2011) |
657 |
Stealing Reality (November 2010) |
656 |
Modeling Corporate Epidemiology (October 2010) |
655 |
Modeling Dynamical Influence In Group Interaction
Patterns (October 2010) |
654 |
Patterns of Individual Shopping (October 2010) |
653 |
Disentagling Social Networks Inferred from Call Logs (October
2010) |
652 |
Social Sensing for Epidemiological Behavior Change
(June 2010) |
651 |
Pervasive Sensing to Model Political Opinion in
Face-to-Face Networks (May 2010) |
650 |
Social Sensing: Obesity, Unhealthy Eating and Exercise
in Face-to-Face Networks (April 2010) |
649 |
The Virtual Mirror: Reflecting on Your Social and
Psychological Self to Increase Organizational Creativity (April 2009) |
Quantifying Group Problem Solving with Stochastic
Analysis (October 2010) |
Sensor-Based Organisational Design and Engineering
(September 2010) |
The Link Between Changes in Social Support and Changes
in Job Satisfaction: An Investigation with the Sociometric Badge
(September 2009) |
Recognizing Expertise (February 2009) |
Measuring the Collective Potential of Populations from
Dynamic Interaction Data (To appear) |
The genetic algorithm as a general diffusion model for
social networks (To appear) |
Reducing the Loss of Information through Annealing Text
Distortion (To appear) |
Introducing Causality and Traceability in Word-of-Mouth
Algorithms (September 2009) |
Word-of-mouth algorithms: What you do not know will
hurt you (November 2009) |
Mobile Sensing to Model the Evolution of Political
Opinions (April 2010) |
Social Sensing for Epidimiological Behavior Change
(April 2010) |
Social Signaling: Predicting the Outcome of Job Interviews
from Vocal Tone and Prosody (March 2010) |
SocialCircuits, The Art of Using Mobile Phones for
Modeling Personal Interactions (November 2009) |
Mob.Media, A Mobile Phone Platform for Computational
Social Science (June 2008) |
Assessing Group Performance from Collective Behavior
(February 2010) |
Sensible Organizations: A Sensor-Based System for
Organizational Design and Engineering (December 2009) |
Sensor-Based Organizational Engineering (November
2009) |
Sensor-Based Feedback Systems in Organizational Computing
(September 2009) |
Predicting Shoppers Interest from Social Interactions
Using Sociometric Sensors (April 2009) |
A Quantitative Analysis of Collective Creativity in
Playing 20-Questions Games (April 2009) |
Modeling Group Discussion Dynamics (April 2009) |
Wearable Sensors for Pervasive Healthcare Management
(April 2009) |
Capturing Individual and Group Behavior with Wearable
Sensors (March 2009) |
Understanding Effects of Feedback on Group
Collaboration (March 2009) |
Modeling Social Diffusion Phenomena using Reality
Mining (March 2009) |
Sensible Organizations: Technology and Methodology for Automatically
Measuring Organizational Behavior (February 2009) |
Mining Face-to-Face Interaction Networks using Sociometric
Badges: Predicting Productivity in an IT Configuration Task (December
2008) |
Meeting Mediator: Enhancing Group Collaboration and
Leadership with Sociometric Feedback (November 2008) |
Organizational Engineering Using Sociometric Badges
(August 2008) |
Social Sensors for Automatic Data Collection
(August 2008) |
Understanding Organizational Behavior with Wearable
Sensing Technology (August 2008) |
Sensible Organizations: Changing Our Businesses and
Work Styles through Sensor Data (April 2008) |
Meeting Mediator: Enhancing Group Collaboration with Sociometric
Feedback (April 2008) |
Enhancing Organizational Communication using
Sociometric Badges (October 2007) |
Sociometric Badges: State of the Art and Future
Applications (October 2007) |
Augmented Social Reality (October 2007) |
Studying Microscopic Peer-to-Peer Communication
Patterns (August 2007) |
Organizational Engineering using Sociometric Badges
(December 2007) |
Human Computing for Interactive Digital Media
(October 2006) |
Using the Influence Model to Recognize Functional Roles
in Meetings (November 2007) |
Toward a Social Signaling Framework: Activity and
Emphasis in Speech (September 2006) |
Influence Modeling of Complex Stochastic Processes
(July 2006) |
Social Network Effects on Information Aggregation
(July 2006) |
VibeFones: Socially Aware |
Wearable Communicator Badge: Designing a New Platform
for Revealing Organizational Dynamics (October 2006) |
Human Activity Recognition: Accuracy across Common
Locations for Wearable Sensors (October 2006) |
Sensible Organization Inspired by Social Sensor
Technologies (Spring 2006) |
Eigenbehaviors: Identifying Structure in Routine
(September 2006) |
On the Collective Nature of Human Intelligence
(June 2007) |
InSense: Interest-Based Life Loggin (2006 IEEE) |
Advice and Influence: The Flow of Advice and the
Diffusion of Innovation (April 2006) |
Multi-sensor Data Fusion Using the Influence Model
(April 2006) |
SNiF: Social Networking In Fur (April 2005) |
Objective Physiological and Behavioral Measures for
Tracking Depression (October 2005) |
PokerMetrics: Stress and Lie Detection (October
2005) |
Social Signaling in Decision Making (June 2005) |
Wearable Feedback Systems for Rehabilitation (June
2005) |
Thin Slices of Negotation (June 2005) |
Socially Aware Computation and Communication (May
2005) |
Human Dynamics: Computation for Organizations (June
2005) |
Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social Systems
(June 2005) |
Genetically Modified Network Topologies (May 2004) |
Mapping Human Networks (May 2005) |
Emotive Alert: HMM-Based Emotion Detection in Voicemail
Messages (September 2004) |
Voices of Attraction (September 2004) |
Controlling Cardea: Fast Policy Search in High
Dimensional Space (June 2004) |
The Essential Dynamics Algorithm: Fast Policy Search in
Continuous Worlds (June 2004) |
Personal Health System to Motivate Intensive Diabetes
Management (June 2004) |
Social Serendipity:Proximity Sensing and Cueing
(May 2004) |
Social Dynamics: Signals and Behavior (May 2004) |
Healthwear: Medical Technology Becomes Wearable
(May 2004) |
A Negotiation Analyzer (May 2004) |
MIT.EDU: M-Learning Applications for Classroom Settings
(March 2004) |
LiveNet: Health and Lifestyle Networking (June
2004) |
Automated Posture Analysis for detecting Learner's
Interest Level (June 2003) |
Sensing and Modeling Human Networks (August 2003) |
Modeling Face-to-Face Communication Using the
Sociometer (October 2003) |
Fully Automatic Upper Facial Action Recognition
(Oct 2003) |
Social Network Computing (October 2003) |
Characterizing Social Interactions Using the Sociometer
(October 2003) |
Life Patterns (October 2003) |
MIThril 2003: Applications and Architecture (Oct
2003) |
Marketplace of Ideas (Oct 2003) |
DakNet: Rethinking Connectivity in Developing Nations
(May 2003) |
Sensing and Modeling Human Networks using the
Sociometer (May 2003) |
Boosting and Structure Learning in Dynamic Bayesian
Networks for Audio-Visual Speaker Detection (August 2002) |
Common Sense Conversations: Understanding Casual
Conversation using a Common Sense Database (March 2003) |
Learning Words from Sights and Sounds: A Computational
Model (October 2002) |
Learning Communities: Connectivity and Dynamics of
Interacting Agents (March 2003) |
The Sensing and Measurement of Frustration with
Computers (May 2001) |
Exercise Advisor Scripts (January 2003) |
Conversational Scene Analysis (August 2002) |
Bayesian Spectrum Estimation of Unevenly Sampled
Nonstationary Data (September 2002) |
Expectation Propagation for Signal Detection in
Flat-fading Channels (November 2002) |
The Sociometer: A wearable Device for Understanding
Human Networks (October 2002) |
Context-sensitive Bayesian Classifiers and Application to
Mouse Pressure Pattern Classification (August 2002) |
Automatic Facial Action Analysis (June 2002) |
Preliminary Considerations for Wearable Computing in
Support of Astronaut Extravehicular Activity (September 2001) |
Real-Time, Fully Automatic Upper Facial Feature
Tracking (May 2002) |
Bayesian Spectrum Estimation of Unevenly Sampled
Nonstationary Data (May 2002) |
Analytical Models of Emotions, Learning and
Relationships: Towards an Affect-Sensitive Cognitive Machine (January
2002) |
An Affective Model of Interplay Between Emotions and
Learning: Reengineering Educational Pedagogy--Building a Learning Companion
(August 2001) |
External Representation of Learning Process and Domain
Knowledge: Affective State as a Determinate of its Structure and Function
(May 2001) |
The Bayes Point Machine for Computer-User Frustration
Detection via PressureMouse (November 2001) |
A Real-Time Head Nod and Shake Detector (November
2001) |
Towards a Learning Companion that Recognizes Affect
(November 2001) |
The Galvactivator: A Glove that Senses and Communicates
Skin Conductivity (August 2001) |
Designing for Affective Interactions (August 2001) |
Predicting Daily Behavior via Wearable Sensors
(July 2001) |
Learning Human Interactions with the Influence Model
(2001) |
Computers that Recognize and Respond to User Emotion:
Theoretical and Practical Implications (2001) |
Affective Medicine: Technology with Emotional
Intelligence (2001) |
Toward Machine Emotional Intelligence: Analysis of
Affective Physiological State (2001) |
Toward Computers that Recognize and Respond to User Emotion
(2000) |
What does it mean for a computer to "have"
emotions? (2001) |
A family of algorithms for approximate Bayesian
inference (2001) |
Building HAL: Computers that sense, recognize, and
respond to human emotion (2001) |
>From Hidden Markov Models to Linear Dynamical
Systems (2000) |
Tracking Conversational Context for Machine Mediation of
Human Discourse (August 2000) |
Feature Selection and Dualities in Maximum Entropy
Discrimination (July 2000) |
Modeling Drivers' Speech under Stress (July 2000) |
Understanding Expressive Action (March 2000) |
Wearable and Automotive Systems for the Recognition of
Affect from Physiology (May 2000) |
SmartCar : Detecting Driver Stress (May 2000) |
Affective Objects (March 2000) |
3D Structure from 2D Motion (May 1999) |
Maximum Conditional Likelihood via Bound Maximization
and the CEM Algorithm (May 1999) |
Action Reaction Learning: Automatic Visual Analysis and
Synthesis of Interactive Behaviour (January 1999) |
Realtime Personal Positioning System for Wearable
Computers (March 2000) |
Recognizing User's Context from Wearable Sensors:
Baseline System (March 2000) |
Inside the Conductor's Jacket: Analysis, Interpretation
and Musical Synthesis of Expressive Gesture (February 2000) |
Motion Field Histograms for Robust Modeling of Facial
Expressions (December 1999) |
Face Recognition for Smart Environments (July 1999) |
Toward Agents that Recognize Emotion (March 1998) |
Automatic choice of dimensionality for PCA
(December 1999) |
Analysis and Classification of Stress Categories from
Drivers' Speech (November 1999) |
Luxomatic: Computer Vision for Puppeteering
(November 1999) |
Combining Audio and Video in Perceptive Spaces
(October 1999) |
Recognition of Emotional and Cognitive States Using
Physiological Data (June 1999) |
Frustrating the User on Purpose: A Step Toward Building
an Affective Computer (October 1999) |
Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Gesture Recognition
(September 1999) |
Action-Reaction Learning: Analysis and Synthesis of
Human Behaviour (May 1998) |
Real Time Tracking and Modeling of Faces: An EKF-based
Analysis by Synthesis Approach (August 1999) |
Realtime Online Adaptive Gesture Recognition
(August 1999) |
The Smart Vest: Towards a Next Generation Wearable
Computing Platform (July 1999) |
Headset-Free Voicing Detection and Pitch Tracking in
Noisy Environments (June 1999) |
This Computer Responds to User Frustration (June
1999) |
This Computer Responds to User Frustration: Theory,
Design, Results, and Implications (June 1999) |
Attentional Objects for Visual Context Understanding
(June 1999) |
Probabilistic Object Recognition and Localization
(March 1999) |
Understanding Expressive Action (June 1999) |
Affective Social Quest (ASQ): Teaching Emotion
Recognition with Interactive Media & Wireless Expressive Toys (May
1999) |
The Affective Tigger: a study on the construction of an
emotionally reactive toy (May 1999) |
The Sentic Mouse: Developing a tool for Measuring
Emotional |
Large Occlusion Stereo (May 1999 (last revision)) |
Representation and Recognition of Action in Interactive
Spaces (May 1999) |
Towards Music Understanding without Separation:
Segmenting Music with Correlogram Comodulation (April 1999) |
Sound Scene Segmentation by Dynamic Detection of
Correlogram Comodulation (April 1999) |
Affective Computing for HCI (August 1999) |
A Framework for Recognizing Multi-Agent Action from
Visual Evidence (April 1999) |
Offline and Online Recognition of Emotion Expression
from Physiological Data (March 1999) |
Recognizing Movement using Motion Histograms (March
1999) |
A Consistent Method for Function Approximation in
Mesh-based Applications (March 1999) |
Understanding Purposeful Human Motion (March 1999) |
Expression Glasses: A Wearable Device for Facial
Expression Recognition (February 1999) |
Quantifying Driver Stress: Developing a System for
Collecting and Processing Bio-Metric Signals in Natural Situations
(February 1999) |
A Spectral 2-D Wold Decomposition Algorithm for
Homogeneous Random Fields (September 1998) |
Application of Stochastic Grammars to Understanding
Action (February 1998) |
Computer Response to User Frustration (January
1999) |
Parsing Multi-Agent Interactions (November 1998) |
A New Affect-Perceiving Interface and Its Application to
Personalized Music Selection (November 1998) |
Tools for Browsing a TV Situation Comedy Based on
Content Specific Attributes (December 1998) |
Sympathetic Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct
Synthetic Characters (November 1998) |
Analysis of Affective Musical Expression with the
Conductor's Jacket (September 1998) |
Using Computer Vision to Control a Reactive Computer Graphics
Character in a Theater Play (October 1998) |
Affective Pattern Classification (September 1998) |
Multimodal Person Recognition using Unconstrained Audio
and Video (August 1998) |
Unsupervised Clustering of Ambulatory Audio and Video
(September 1998) |
The "Conductor's Jacket": a Device for
Recording Expressive Musical Gestures" (October 1998) |
Human-Computer Coupling (August 1998) |
StartleCam: A Cybernetic Wearable Camera (October
1998) |
Affective Wearables (December 1997) |
Real-time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desktop
and Wearable Computer Based Video (July 1998) |
Visual Context Awareness in Wearable Computing
(June 1998) |
A Wearable Haptic Navigation Guidance System (June
1998) |
DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced Reality System
(May 1998) |
Modeling Spatial and Temporal Textures (September
1997) |
Conjoint Probabilistic Subband Modeling (September
1997) |
Heat Dissipation in Wearable Computers Aided by Thermal
Coupling with the User (November 1997) |
A Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human
Interactions (March 1998) |
Frustrating the User on Purpose: Using Biosignals in a
Pilot Study to Detect the User's Emotional State (March 1998) |
SIDEshow: A Silhouette-based Interactive Dual-screen
Environment (March 1998) |
Fast Constraint Propagation on Specialized Allen
Networks and its Application to Action Recognition and Control (January
1998) |
"It/I": A Theater Play Featuring an
Autonomous Computer Graphics Character (January 1998) |
Representation and Visual Recognition of Complex,
Multi-agent Actions using Belief Networks (January 1998) |
Recognition without Correspondence using Multimensional
Receptive Field Histograms (July 1999 (last revision)) |
Action-Reaction Learning: Analysis and Synthesis of
Human Behaviour (December 1997) |
Dynaman: Recursive Modeling of Human Motion
(November 1997) |
Probabilistic Parsing in Action Recognition
(November 1997) |
Action Recognition using Probabilistic Parsing
(October 1997) |
Affective Intelligence - The Missing Link (October 1997) |
Signal Processing for Recognition of Human Frustration
(1997) |
Stochastic Modeling of Physiological Signals with
Hidden Markov Models: A Step Toward Frustration Detection in Human-Computer
Interfaces (1997) |
Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification (1997) |
Digital Processing of Affective Signals (1997) |
Beyond Eigenfaces: Probabilistic Matching for Face
Recognition (1998) |
3D Modeling and Tracking of Human Lip Motions
(1997) |
A Three-Dimensional Model of Human Lip Motions Trained
from Video (1997) |
Mixtures of Eigenfeatures for Real-Time Structure from
Texture (1997) |
Stochasticks: Augmenting the Billiards Experience with
Probabilistic Vision and Wearable Computers (1997) |
Multimodal Adaptive Interfaces (1997) |
Fast Lighting Independent Background Subtraction
(1997) |
Virtual PAT: A Virtual Personal Aerobics Trainer
(1997) |
Finding Periodicity in Space and Time (1997) |
Wearable Audio Computing: A Survey of Interaction
Techniques (1997) |
Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior (1997) |
Affective Wearables (1997) |
Tactual displays for wearable computing (1997) |
The Locust Swarm: An Environmentally-powered,
Networkless Location and Messaging System. (1997) |
Identification of sphere size using the PHANToM(tm):
Towards a set of building blocks for rendering haptic environment (1997) |
Source separation with coupled hidden Markov models
(1997) |
Coupled hidden Markov models at multiple time scales
(1997) |
Sensei: A Real-time Recognition, Feedback, and Training
System for T'ai Chi Gestures (1997) |
A Wearable Computing Based American Sign Language
Recognizer (1997) |
Nonlinear Parametric Hidden Markov Models (1997) |
Human Action Detection using PNF Propagation of
Temporal Constraints (1997) |
Eigenheads for Reconstruction (1997) |
Recognition and Interpretation of Parametric Gesture
(1997) |
A Three-Dimensional Model of Human Lip Motion
(1997) |
Perceptually-Driven Avatars and Interfaces: Active
Methods for Direct Control (1997) |
Dynamic Models of Human Motion (1997) |
PNF Calculus and the Detection of Actions Described by
Temporal Intervals (1997) |
Movement, Activity, and Action: The Role of Knowledge
in the Perception of Motion (1997) |
An Artificial Artist (1996) |
Discovering and visualizing narrative themes (1997) |
The ``Inverse |
Computer vision for a robot sculptor (1996) |
Convergence properties of generalized Fibonacci
sequences (1996) |
Coupled hidden Markov models for complex action
recognition (1996) |
A fast greedy pairwise clustering algorithm and its use
in finding thematic structure in large datasets (1996) |
Coupled hidden Markov models for modeling interacting
processes (1996) |
Understanding Manipulation in Video (1996) |
Real-Time Closed-World Tracking (1996) |
The Representation and Recognition of Action Using
Temporal Templates (1996) |
Parametrized Structure from Motion for 3D Adaptive
Feedback Tracking of Faces (1996) |
Detecting and Segmenting Periodic Motion (1996) |
Automatic Transcription of Simple Polyphonic Music:
Robust Front End Processing (1996) |
The KidsRoom: A Perceptually-Based Interactive and
Immersive Story Environment (1996) |
Augmented Reality Through Wearable Computing (1996) |
LAFTER: A Real-time Lips and Face Tracker with Facial Expression
Recognition (1997) |
Speaker Identification Based Text to Audio Alignment for
an Audio Retreival System (1996) |
Computers Seeing Action (1996) |
A Bayesian Similarity Measure for Direct Image Matching
(1996) |
Unsupervised Cross-Modal Analysis of Professional
Monologue Discourse (1996) |
Interval Scripts: a Design Paradigm for Story-Based
Interactive Systems (1996) |
Using A Virtual Environment to Teach Cancer Patients
T'ai Chi, Relaxation and Self-Imagery (1996) |
PNF Calculus: A Representation and a Fast Algorithm for
Recognition of Temporal Structure (1996) |
Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
(1996) |
Appearance-Based Motion Recognition of Human Actions
(1996) |
Real-time Recognition of Activity Using Temporal
Templates (1996) |
A Blackboard System for Automatic Transcription of
Simple Polyphonic Music (1996) |
A Video Browser That Learns by Example (1996) |
Modeling user subjectivity in image libraries
(1996) |
Temporal Texture Modeling (1996) |
Staying Alive: A Virtual Reality Visualization Tool for
Cancer Patients (1996) |
Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition
(1996) |
Computer Theater (May 1996) |
DirectIVE: Choreographing Media Creatures for
Interactive Virtual Environments (1996) |
Approximate World Models: Incorporating Qualitative and
Linguistic Information into Vision Systems (1996) |
Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition from Video
Using Hidden Markov Models (1996) |
Real-time 3-D tracking of the human body (1996) |
Vision-Steered Audio for Interactive Environments
(1996) |
Perceptive Spaces for Performance and Entertainment:
Untethered Interaction using Computer Vision and Audition (1996) |
Bayesian Face Recognition using Deformable Intensity
Surfaces (1996) |
Modeling, Tracking and Interactive Animation of Faces
and Heads using Input from Video (1996) |
An Appearance-based Representation of Action.
(1996) |
Generalized Image Matching: Statistical Learning of
Physically-Based Deformations (1996) |
Multiple-model Q-learning for Active Recognition Tasks.
(1996) |
`Smart Clothing' (Feb. 2, 1996) |
An Image Database Browser that Learns from User
Interaction (1996) |
Task-specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time using
Interpolated Views |
Real-time self-calibrating stereo person tracking using
3-D shape estimation from blob features (January 1996) |
Motion Regularization for Model-based Head Tracking |
Wearable, tetherless computer-mediated reality: WearCam
as a wearable face-recognizer, and other applications for the disabled
(Feb. 2, 1996) |
A Society of Models for Video and Image Libraries
(1996) |
Computer Learning of Subjectivity (1996) |
Toward a Visual Thesaurus (Sept. 1995) |
Divide and Conquer: Using Approximate World Models to
Control View-Based Algorithms (1995) |
Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive
Room |
Wearable Computing and Augmented Reality (Nov. 95) |
Digital Libraries: |
Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
(1995) |
Vision Steered Beam-forming and Transaural Rendering
for the Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment (ALIVE) (1995) |
Cluster-based probability model and its application to
image and texture processing (1995) |
Machine Understanding of Human Action (1995) |
Interactive learning using a "society of
models" (1995) |
Recording `lightspace' so shadows and highlights vary
with varying viewing illumination. (1994) |
Feature-Locked Loop and its Application to Image
Database (Aug. 1995) |
Temporal Texture Modeling (1995) |
Motion Estimation and Segmentation Using a Recurrent
Mixture of Experts Architecture (1995) |
Camera self-calibration from one point correspondence
(1995) |
Light-years from Lena: Video and Image Libraries of the
Future (Oct. 1995) |
Video orbits of the projective group; A new perspective
on image mosaicing (1995) |
Learning Visual Behavior for Gesture Analysis
(1995) |
Color Halftoning with M-Lattice ((1995)) |
A Subspace Method for Maximum Likelihood Target
Detection (1995) |
Matching and Recognition Using Deformable Intensity
Surfaces (1995) |
Detecting Kinetic Occlusion (1995) |
Mid-level representations for Computational Auditory
Scene Analysis (1995) |
Using Approximate Models as Source of Contextual
Information for Vision Processing (1995) |
Human Powered Wearable Computing (1995) |
Causal Analysis for Visual Gesture Understanding
(1995) |
Probabilistic Visual Learning for Object Detection
(1995) |
Coding, Analysis, Interpretation, and Recognition of
Facial Expressions (1995) |
Intelligent Studios: Using Computer Vision to Control
TV Cameras (1995) |
BEING UNDIGITAL: Extending dynamic range by combining
differently exposed pictures (May 1995) |
HyperPlex: a World of 3D Interactive Digital Movies
(1995) |
Affective Computing (Nov. 1995) |
Periodicity, directionality, and randomness: Wold features
for image modeling and retrieval (1995) |
Kinetic Occlusion (1995) |
The Cyborgs are Coming, or, the Real Personal Computers
(Feb. 1994; original text Nov. 1993; postscript version with images June 1995) |
An Automatic System for Model-Based Coding of Faces
(1995) (1995) |
Visual Recognition of American Sign Language Using
Hidden Markov Models (S.M. Thesis) (Feb. 1995) |
Perceptually organized EM: A framework for motion
segmentation that combines information about form and motion (1995) |
Second-order Method for Occlusion Relationships in Motion
Layers (1995) |
Using Approximate Models as Source of Contextual
Information for Vision Processing (1995) |
Attention-driven Expression and Gesture Analysis in an
Interactive Environment (1995) |
Modal Matching: A Method for Describing, Comparing, and
Manipulating Digital Signals [PhD Thesis] (1995) |
Recovery of Relative Affine Structure Using the Motion
Flow Field of a Rigid Planar Patch (1994) |
Recognition of Human Body Motion Using Phase Space
Constraints (1995) |
Using Configuration States for the Representation and
Recognition of Gesture |
Facial Expression Recognition using a Dynamic Model and
Motion Energy (1995) |
Visual Recognition of American Sign Language Using
Hidden Markov Models (1995) |
Unencumbered Virtual Environments (1995) |
Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition |
Analysis, Interpretation and Synthesis of Facial
Expressions [9385 kBytes] (1994) |
Vision Texture for Annotation (1994) |
Face recognition using view-based and modular
eigenspaces (1994) |
M-Lattice: A System For Signal Synthesis And Processing
Based On Reaction-Diffusion (1994) |
M-Lattice: From Morphogenesis to Image Processing |
On Stability and Equilibria of Analog Feedback Networks |
Recognizing Classical Ballet Steps Using Phase Space
Constraints (1995) |
Tracking Using a Local Closed-World Assumption:
Tracking in the Football Domain (1994) |
Content Access for Image/Video Coding:``The
Fourth Criterion'' (Oct. 1994) |
Visual Tracking Using Closed-Worlds (1994) |
Periodicity, directionality, and randomness: Wold features
for perceptual pattern recognition (Oct. 1994) |
Texture Orientation for Sorting Photos "at a
Glance" (Oct. 1994) |
Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using
M-Lattice -- a Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System (Oct. 1994) |
Analyzing gait with spatiotemporal surfaces (1994) |
Exaggerated Consensus in Lossless Image Compression
(Nov. 1994) |
Orientation-Sensitive Image Processing with M-Lattice:
A Novel Non-linear Dynamical System (Nov. 1994) |
Synthesizing Flames and their Spreading (Sept.
1994) |
Coding of Segmented Image Sequences |
Lightspace and the |
Correlation and Interpolation Networks for Real-time
Expression Analysis/Synthesis |
Project Reports: Video and Image Semantics: Advanced
Tools for Telecommunications (Summer 1994) |
On-line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Speech
Methods (1994) |
Robust Estimation of Multiple Models in the Structure
from Motion Domain (1994) |
HRTF Measurements of a KEMAR Dummy-Head Microphone (1994) |
Representing Moving Images with Layers (1994) |
"Video Orbits" for Scene Change Detection |
Synthesizing Interactive Fires (May 1994) |
Shape Analysis of Brain Structures Using Physical and Experimental
Modes |
On Modal Modeling for Medical Images: Underconstrained
Shape Description and Data Compression (1994) |
Extracting Shape-From-Shading (1994) |
Physically-Based Combinations of Views: Representing
Rigid and Nonrigid Motion (1994) |
Tracking Facial Motion [2048 kBytes] (1994) |
On The Efficiency Of The Orthogonal Least Squares
Training Method For Radial Basis Function Networks (Jan 1994) |
Algebriac Description of Relative Affine Structure:
Connections to Euclidean, Affine and Projective Structure |
Exaggerated Consensus in Lossless Image Compression |
The Perception of Shading and Reflectance |
Object Recognition and Categorization Using Modal
Matching |
Visually Guided Animation |
Gibbs Random Fields, Cooccurrences, and Texture
Modeling (Jan. 1994) |
Restoration and Enhancement of Fingerprint Images Using
M-Lattice -- a Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System (Oct. 1994) |
Apply Mid-level Vision Techniques for Video Data
Compression and Manipulation` |
Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Video Data |
A Novel Environment for Situated Vision and Behavior.
(1994) |
Wearable, Tetherless, Computer-Mediated Reality
(1994) |
Virtual Bellows: Constructing High Quality Stills from
Video (Nov. 1994) |
The ALIVE system: Full-body interaction with animated
autonomous agents |
Photobook: Tools for Content-Base Manipulation of Image
Databases (Feb. 1994) |
Temperature and Gibbs Image Modeling |
Cluster-based Probability Model Applied to Image
Restoration and Compression (April 1994) |
A simulation of vowel segregation base on
across-channel glottal-pulse synchrony |
Representational Frames in Video Annotation |
The Chirplet Transform: A new signal analysis technique
based on affine relationships in the time-frequency plane. |
Determination of the meter of musical scores by
autocorrelation |
A high resolution fundamental frequency determination
based on phase changes of the fourier transform |
A Vision System for Observing and Extracting Facial |
Incorporating Intensity Edges in the Recovery of
Occlusion Regions (1993) |
View-Based and Modular Eigenspaces for Face Recognition
(1994) |
Separation of Transparent Motion into Layers using
Velocity-Tuned Mechanisms (1993) |
Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal
Length |
Recursive Estimation for CAD Model Recovery |
A new Wold ordering for image similarity (April
1994) |
On Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of 3D Affine and
Projective Structures from Perspective 2D Views |
Novel Cluster-Based Probability Model for Texture
Synthesis, Classification, and Compression (Nov. 1993) |
Cluster-based Probability Model Applied to Image
Restoration and Compression |
Techniques to Foster Drum Machine Expressivity |
M-Lattice: A Novel Non-Linear Dynamical System And Its
Application To Halftoning (April 1994) |
Robust Quantization of Memoryless Sources Using
Dispersive FIR Filters |
Finding Perceptually Dominant Orientation in Natural
Textures (1994) |
Modal Descriptions For Vision And Graphics |
Musical fundamental frequency tacking using a pattern
recognition method |
A Computer Implementation of Psychoacoustic Grouping
Rules |
Analyzing and recognizing walking figures in XYT
(1993) |
Designing an Orientation Finding Algorithm Based on
Human Visual Data (May 1993) |
Layered Representation for Motion Analysis |
Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo
(1993) |
Hierarchic models of hearing for sound separation and
reconstruction |
An Efficient Algorithm for the Calculation of a
Constant Q Transform |
Musical Fundamental Frequency Tracking using a Pattern
Recognition Method |
Calculation of a Constant Q Spectral Transform |
Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture
Database (June 1993) |
Reaction-Diffusion Systems for Image Processing
(April 1993) |
Interactions between motion and contour perception
processes in the primate visual system |
Structure from Motion is Only Half the Story |
Distributed Representation and Analysis of Visual
Motion (1993) |
Verification Mode Vision: An example from egomotion and
optic flow |
Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion using the
Relative Orientation Constraint (Appears in: IEEE CVPR'93, New York, June
1993) |
Finding Similar Patterns in Large Image Databases (April
1993) |
Gibbs random fields, co-occurrences, and texture
modeling |
The Brodatz Texture Database: Characterization by
Shift-Invariant Principal Componets (1993) |
Distributed Representations of Image Velocity
(1992) |
A Finite-Element Framework for Correspondence and Shape
Description |
Structured Patterns from Random Fields (Oct. 1992) |
Recovering reflectance and illumination in a world of
painted polyhedra (1992) |
On the use of Nulling Filters to Separate Transparent
Motions (1992) |
Space Time Gestures (1992) |
Exploiting the generic view assumption to estimate
scene parameters (1992) |
OBVIUS: Object-Based Vision and Image Understanding
System, version 2.2 (1992) |
Experiments with Eigenfaces (1993) |
Model of Visual Motion Sensing (1992) |
Steerable Filters and Local Analysis of Image Structure
(1992) |
Distributed Physical Simulation (1992) |
On Training Gaussian Radial Basis Functions for Image
Coding (Feb. 1992) |
Human Face Recognition and the Face Image Set's
Topology |
Random Field Texture Coding (May 1992) |
Physically-based Modeling for Graphics and Vision
(1992) |
Interactive-Time Vision: Face Recognition as a Visual
Behavior |
Layered Representations for Image Coding (1991) |
Visually Controlled Graphics (1991) |
A Unified Approach for Physical and Geometric Modeling
for Graphics and Animation (Appears in: In Computer Graphics Forum, The International
Journal of the Eurographics Assoc. Vol. II (3), Cambridge, England, September
1992;) |
Gibbs Random Fields: Temperature and Parameter Analysis
(March 1992) |
Device Synchronization using an Optimal Linear Filter
(1992) |
Markov/Gibbs Image Modeling: Temperature and Texture
(Nov. 1991) |
ThingWorld Users Manual |
A Simple Algorithm for Shape from Shading (1991) |
Surface Interpolation Networks |
Surface Interpolation Using Wavelets (1991) |
Texture Modeling: Temperature Effects on Markov/Gibbs
Random Fields (1991) |
Depth From DeFocus of Structured Light |
>From Volumes to Views: An Approach to 3-D Object
Recognition |
Computing Optical Flow Distributions Using
Spatio-Temporal Filters (1990) |
Markov/Gibbs Texture Modeling: Aura Matrices and
Temperature Effects (June 1991) |
Cooperative Robust Estimation Using Layers of Support
(1991) |
Shiftable Multi-scale Transforms (1991) |
On the Structure of Aura and Co-occurrence Matrices for
the Gibbs Texture Model (1992) |
New Miscibility Measure explains the Behavior of
Grayscale Texture Synthesized by Gibbs Random Fields (Nov. 1990) |
Synchronization in Virtual Realities (1991) |
without Movement |
Pyramids and Multiscale Representations |
Eigenfaces for Recognition |
A Unified Approach to the Recognition of Expected and
Unexpected Geon-Based Objects |
A Practical Approach to Fractal-Based Image Compression |
Generalized Implicit Functions For Computer Graphics
(1991) |
Ordinal characteristics of transparency |
The plenoptic function and the elements of early vision |
Single lens stereo with a plenoptic camera |
Thingworld Modeling System |
3-D Shape Recovery Using Distributed Aspect Matching |
Finite element and regularization solutions using
wavelet basis |
Depth from DeFocus of Structured Light |
The Perception of Shading and Reflectance (1990) |
Vector Quantization for Entropy Coding of Image
Subbands (1990) |
Optimization of Subband Vector Quantization for Moving
Images (1990) |
Subband Transforms (1989) |
Recovery of Non-Rigid Motion and Structure (1990) |
Closed-Form Solutions for Physically Based Shape
Modeling and Recognition (1990) |
Steerable Filters for Early Vision, Image Analysis, and
Wavelet Decomposition |
Directionally Selective Complex Cells and the
Computation of Motion Energy in Cat Visual Cortex |
Three-Dimensional Interpretation via Local Processing
(1990) |
The ThingWorld Modeling System: Virtual Sculpting by
Modal Forces (1990) |
Computational Complexity versus Stimulated Environments |
Analysis of Neural Networks with Redundancy |
Visual Motion: Algorithms for Analysis and Application
(1990) |
The Design and Use of Steerable Filters (1990) |
Computational Model of Cat Striate Physiology
(1989) |
Visual Perception of Three-Dimensional Motion
(1989) |
Sequential Motion Analysis (1989) |
Egomotion and the Stabilized World |
Photometric Motion (1989) |
Non-separable Extensions of Quadrature Mirror Filters
to Multiple Dimensions (1989) |
Lip Reading: Automatic Visual Recognition of Spoken
Words |
A Neural Mechanism for Computing Shape From Shading |
Good Vibrations: Modal Dynamics for Graphics and
Animation |
The Artist at the Interface |
Perceiving Material Properties |
A Simple, Real-Time Range Camera |
Virtual Manufacturing |
Superquadric Object Representation for Dynamics of
Multi-body Structures |
On the Imaging of Fractal Surfaces |
Parallel Part Segmentation for Object Recognition |
Linear Shape From Shading |
Automatic Extraction of Deformable Part Models |
Shape Information From Shading: A Theory About Human Perception |
Multi-Scale Image Transforms |
Orthogonal Sub-band Image Transforms |
Orthogonal pyramid transforms for image coding |