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Organizational Design and Engineering:

Daniel Olguín Olguín and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Sensor-based organisational design and engineering. International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering. Vol. 1, No. 1/2, pp. 69-97.

Daniel Olguin Olguin, Benjamin N. Waber, Taemie Kim, Akshay Mohan, Koji Ara, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Sensible Organizations: Technology and Methodology for Automatically Measuring Organizational Behavior. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 39. No. 1, February 2009.


Benjamin N. Waber, Daniel Olguin Olguin, Taemie Kim, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Understanding Organizational Behavior with Wearable Sensing Technology. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA. August, 2008.

Lynn Wu, Benjamin N. Waber, Sinan Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Mining Face-to-Face Interaction Networks using Sociometric Badges: Predicting Productivity in an IT Configuration Task. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems. Paris, France. December 14-17 2008.

Benjamin N. Waber, Daniel Olguin Olguin, Taemie Kim, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Productivity through Coffee Breaks: Changing Social Networks by Changing Break Structure. 30th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference. Riva del Garda, Italy, July 2, 2010.


Daniel Olguin Olguin, Peter A. Gloor, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Capturing Individual and Group Behavior with Wearable Sensors. Human Behavior Modeling, AAAI Spring Symposium. Palo Alto, CA. March 2009.

Executive Training:

Daniel Olguin Olguin, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Assessing Group Performance from Collective Behavior. Submitted to: CSCW 2010 Workshop on Collective Intelligence In Organizations. Savannah, GA. February 6, 2010.

Real-Time Feedback:

Taemie Kim, Agnes Chang, Lindsey Holland, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Meeting Mediator: Enhancing Group Collaboration and Leadership with Sociometric Feedback. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. San Diego, CA. November 2008.

Taemie Kim, Daniel Olguin Olguin, Benjamin N. Waber, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. Sensor-Based Feedback Systems in Organizational Computing. Workshop on Social Computing with Mobile Phones and Sensors. In conjunction with the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing. Vancouver, BC. August 2009.


Alex Pentland. To Signal is Human. American Scientist. Vol. 98, No. 3. May - June, 2010.

Alex Pentland et al. Computational Social Science. Science, Vol. 323, February, 2009.

Alex Pentland. Honest Signals: How they Shape our World. The MIT Press. October, 2008.



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This website was last updated on: June, 2011